Saturday, 23 May 2015


How is that every time something happens, I am made out to be the bad guy.

As the tears stream down my face, all I can think of I how the FUCK did you make it so I feel this way.

Your indecisiveness is the problem here, you can not make up your own fucken mind because as something better comes along I am no longer existent to you.

You think that a split decision on telling me to do something for you will immediately make me move the stars for you? Did you know that there was a time I would do such things.

Yet, I still would.

But then that shows that I am still an idiot blinded by someone who doesn't value who I am as a person.

I don't expect to be the centre of your world. But just to be something.

"Stuff came up" leads me to believe your vagueness is due to the fact that I am not important enough to know about the simple things within your life.

But do you not know that telling me to 'stfu ,,l,,' or that I am 'useless' is actually hurtful?
I get enough from everyone else, and I expected better from you.

I needed you to be my unmoving stone. Not something that would come back and bit me so hard, so fast that I would waste my time and energy in crying over my stupidity in loving you.

How is it that the roles reversed so that you became the victim and I became the one who stabbed you, causing a wound that seems like only I can feel.

"do not talk to me right now" how old are we to be having a fight over nothing.

I keep telling myself that you're not worth it.

But I am known to never listen to good advice.

Fuck. My. Life.

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